Meet Our Hakomi Faculty, Teachers, and Trainers.

David Cole, CC, CHT, is a certified Hakomi therapist and senior trainer. He is licensed as a Certified Counselor in private practice by the Washington State Department of Health. He is a founding member of the Seattle Hakomi Education Network, a member of the Hakomi Institute, and coauthor of Hakomi with Internal Family Systems and Focusing: A Deeper Look at Mindfulness-Centered Therapies (2023). He has completed advanced study with Dr. Richard C. Schwartz, PhD, founder of the Internal Family Systems model of psychotherapy and has a counseling practice in the Seattle area. David can be reached at 206-963-2905, by email at, or visit his website at

Kristina (Kris) Cook, LMHC, SUDP, CHT is a certified Hakomi therapist and teacher. She is licensed in the State of Washington as a Mental Health Counselor, and as a Chemical Dependency Professional. Kris studied systems counseling at the Leadership Institute of Seattle/Bastyr University and received her certification as a Substance Use Dependency Professional from Edmonds Community College. She is also certified in Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) and Level 2 Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy (PACT) and incorporates mindfulness, somatic approaches, and neuroscience in her therapeutic process. Kris received her certification in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies from the California Institute of Integrative Studies (CIIS) and helps those seeking integration.  Kris especially enjoys working with people exploring addiction, and with adult adoptees. She has an office in Woodinville, Washington, one day a week and sees folks online as well.  Kris works with couples and adults.  Kris offers a free phone consultation. She can be reached by phone at (206) 335-8514 or by email at:

Carol Ladas Gaskin, MA, CC, LMP, is a Hakomi therapist and senior trainer, and is licensed as a Certified Counselor in the State of Washington. She is a founding member of the Seattle Hakomi Education Network, a member of the Hakomi Institute, and a Clinical member of the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy (USABP). She is the author of Untangling the Knot: The Art of Honoring Ancestors and Unfurling: a book of poems, and coauthor of Hakomi with Internal Family Systems and Focusing: A Deeper Look at Mindfulness-Centered Therapies (2023). She earned her certification as a certified Progoff Intensive Journal Consultant in 1986. She has maintained a counseling practice in the Seattle area for the past twenty years and is now looking for an agent for her memoir. Visit for more information.

Lynn Morrison, MA, CHT, is a certified Hakomi therapist, teacher and senior trainer, and a founding member of Seattle Hakomi Education Network. Her almost fifty-year mindfulness practice has been influenced recently by the addition of a somatic meditation practice and a move to the deep woods of Whidbey Island. Lynn’s passion is to support individuals and couples to find more freedom and joy in their life and work. She maintains a private practice near Langley, Washington, and sees clients via Skype and FaceTime. In addition, Lynn teaches Deepening Skills (Level 3), coaches developing therapists, and mentors Hakomi teachers-in-training. Please call or email for more information at 206-261-2355 or

Dennis Gaither, MD, OMC, is a Hakomi therapist and senior trainer. He is a founding member of the Seattle Hakomi Education Network, and a Board Certified psychiatrist, receiving his training at the University of California at San Francisco, and is licensed in the State of Washington. He is also an Ordained Ministerial Counselor through Pathways of Light. He has worked as a primary care physician on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming, as an emergency room physician in Alaska, and now works in community mental health and has a private practice in Mt. Vernon, Washington. He finds purpose in learning, teaching, and healing, and loves being outdoors in natural settings, the company of friends, and his two sons.

Roxanne Peterson, PhD, LMHC, RN, CHT, is a senior trainer with Seattle Hakomi Education Network, she’s licensed as a counselor in Washington State, and is a member of the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy (USABP). Coming from a background in nursing, she gained a deep appreciation for the wisdom and beauty of the body, so Hakomi, as a body-centered therapy, immediately resonated for her. That along with the practice of Loving Presence, hooked her on Hakomi. She had the great good fortune to study with Ron Kurtz in the later years of his life. In addition to Hakomi, another body-centered healing modality she is deeply grateful for is Family and Systemic Constellations. She studied for many years with Francesca Mason Boring, and greatly appreciates the wisdom she shares from her indigenous Ancestors. During her early years, Roxanne pursued higher education and received a research degree in Social Welfare, where she gained an understanding of the interconnection of all life, and an appreciation for the experimental process as a way of knowing and exploring deeply. In later years, she studied many energy-healing modalities including Healing Touch, Reiki and Chi Kung, which she also taught. These approaches, along with Internal Family Systems and Focusing, influence how she works with clients. Her passion is teaching Hakomi to groups. Contact Roxanne at

Derek Althauser, CC, CHT, CTB®GL, is licensed as a Certified Counselor, certified Hakomi therapist and teacher, a Certified Transformational Breath® Group Leader, and is in his second year of training in Somatic Experiencing. Derek supports clients to witness their experiences with non-judgmental kindness and cultivate choice in responding to and growing from those experiences. Prior to his therapy practice, Derek spent ten years as a stay-at home-parent of two, nurturing curiosity and a sense of play in life. Please email Derek at to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Liz Hunter, MA, LMFT, is a certified Hakomi therapist and teacher. She received her BS in Biology from Stanford University and her MA in Couples and Family Therapy from Seattle University and is licensed in the State of Washington as a Marriage and Family Therapist. She received training in Experiential Psychotherapy with Couples under Rob Fisher. Liz is also a certified Discernment Counselor through the Doherty Institute and has additional couples training in the Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy (PACT), EFT, and Gottman. She loves nurturing connection through somatic and experiential methods. She maintains a teletherapy practice where she specializes in couples work. Liz offers a free half hour meet-and-greet session. For further information, please visit